Mandy Rietman is a mixed media, contemporary abstract artist, that has spent her life living in Texas and Washington State. The natural habitat of Western Washington and East Texas have been the inspiration for her work. Her art is strongly influenced by the colors and patterns she sees from these two regions, as well as the varied landscapes she has viewed on her extensive travels throughout the Western United States.
The goal Mandy has in mind for each work is to bring the outdoor natural environment indoors, in a contemporary abstract style. The mediums she uses are widely varied from acrylic paint and acrylic ink, to watercolor, alcohol ink, and gold leaf applications. She also includes varied texture mediums to bring an organic look to all her paintings and collage work.
The technique of achieving depth and color through multiple layered applications of paint, texture, and epoxy resin is a unique quality to all her works. With a background in biology, (B.A. University of North Texas), she appreciates and enjoys not only the creative aspect of the composition, but experiencing the effects multiple mediums have on one another, and how they work together to achieve the final painting. Her primary consideration for each work is to achieve a “picture within a picture” of depth, color, and dimension. This method of painting allows the viewer to see something new, different and intriguing each time they view one of her works.
Her work is featured in galleries and at the University of Texas at Tyler.